Welcome to Brett and Emily´s travel blog.

I promise I will finish updating soon...7 more post to do!

July 13, 2010: Banos updated (pics soon)

June 23,2010: Lima and Mancura are finished (in reality Mancura was already finished but I wanted to post them in order so I need to finish Lima) with pics

June 22, 2010: I know, I know...I have been home for a month and a have a lot to update from South America. Well the Amazon was updated today with pictures!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Engagement... the moment you have all been waiting to hear about

On Saturday night (about a week ago already), Brett and I were camping out at a very beautiful spot in the National Park in the very southern tip of Argentina. After cleaning up from dinner, we were watching the stars come out. When I turned to give him a kiss, he said "I have a question, will you marry me?". I was so shocked (yes, I figured this was coming sooner or later, but I didn´t expect it until after this trip) that I said "really?". He said "yeah, really", so I said "yes". We stood there talking and watching the stars for a bit more after that, and I asked him "really? Are you sure? So we are actually engaged now?" about 2 dozen times. Just to be sure.

The view of our campsite from across the river (the yellow thing is our tent)

Another view from across the river (again the yellow dot is our tent)

Since we were camping, there was about a 24 hr period where no one but us knew that we were engaged and we had no way of calling anyone back home to share the news. It was a kind of bizzare secret. Once we got back to the hostel though, we spent lots of time on skype calling friends and family (we apologize if you did not recieve a phone call, but it was pretty tough getting in touch with everyone from here).

The view from our campsite

Sunset at the campsite (about a half an hour before the proposal)

We are not doing any wedding planning until after this trip, so no date is being set yet. However, the wedding will be in the Detroit area.

Also, rumor has it that there is a ring waiting for me at Brett´s parent´s house in NJ.


  1. Congratulations again to both of you! Yay! How exciting!

  2. there's a hole in the story tho..
    what ever happened to that kiss??
    i mean c'mon!!
