Welcome to Brett and Emily´s travel blog.

I promise I will finish updating soon...7 more post to do!

July 13, 2010: Banos updated (pics soon)

June 23,2010: Lima and Mancura are finished (in reality Mancura was already finished but I wanted to post them in order so I need to finish Lima) with pics

June 22, 2010: I know, I know...I have been home for a month and a have a lot to update from South America. Well the Amazon was updated today with pictures!

Monday, February 22, 2010

A wrap-up of Brazil

This is just a few things I feel the need to to tell all of you about our time in Brazil...

1) I ate probably over 300 chicken hearts, no joke, it is a Brazilian delicousy and delicious.

2) As our friend Jose said, ´´He can´t understand how Brazil can´t fix all of its social problems, but Brazilians are for sure experts on how to clone credit cards´´

3) This country has two national food habits (besides the touristy all-you-can-eat buffets, see post from Belo Horizante).  The first is Coco Gelado, which is basically where Brazilians pop open the top of a coconut and drink the water inside (and yes it is water not milk).  The second is Açai, which is a delicious fruit from a type of palm tree that is served as a smoothie usually with granola and banana.

4)  Brazil I am pretty sure is the only country in the world that has a dual system for there cars gas.  Almost all new cars in Brazil can now mix both regular gasoline and alcohol gasoline, which was invented by the Brazilians (so they claim).  The alcohol gasoline was invented when gas prices started soaring and Brazilians found it cheap to produce I believe from Sugar Cane.  Now less Brazilians use it because the price of gasoline as dropped and even though the alcohol is still cheaper its cost to mileage ratio is not as good.

5) Brazilian hot water shower heads.  I was told many of times to not expect many hot showers in South America.  Well as most houses in Brazil (including nice apartments) are only built with cold water lines, every place we stayed in Brazil used these attached shower heads which had three options: cold, hot, and medium.  The shadyness of this is that they need electrical wiring to them, and because most of them have been added in recently it is usually just two electric cords running pretty much wide open above or next to the shower.  I cannot completely explain the number of times I was electricuted in Brazil.  Not many words can truly explain these things, but the picture below speaks truly a thousand words.

That is it for now, I know we owe you pictures and updates about the Falls and we will do it soon, I promise.


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